The Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF) was adopted in 2019 as a new way to allocate
funding to community college districts in order to support access through enrollment-based
funding, student equity funds for low-income students and increased incentives for successful
student outcomes. The California Community College Chancellor’s Office hired Analytica to
develop three unique dashboards to provide stakeholders, executive officers and the public
ways to visualize the impacts of this new funding strategy.
For more information and to view the results of the analysis click here
Project Goal:
- Provide a set of tools to identify how the new funding strategy impacted individual community college districts
- Allow stakeholders to analyze the most important factors in the new methodology.
Project Results:
- Created an interactive visualization of funding impacts compared to the previous funding formula (SB361).
- Developed a dashboard with six interactive pages that allows users to analyze the specific metrics and trends that contribute to the SCFF methodology.
- A third tool is under development to allow budgeting and planning leaders to forecast the impact to
funding based on user-input scenarios.